T. A. Willberg
author : T. A. WillbergT.A. Willberg grew up on a small-holding in South Africa. At 27, she moved to Malta with her partner and wrote her debut novel, MARION LANE AND THE MIDNIGHT MURDER. Though the novel is set in London, much of the inspiration for the story setting arose from the labyrinthine corridors beneath Malta's ancient capital - Valletta.\n\nT.A. credits her father, a mechanical engineer from Germany, as the influence behind the novel's many wondrous gadgets and her mother, after whom the protagonist is named, as the architect of her love for books and storytelling.\n\nWhen not writing, or dreaming up mystical subterranean worlds, she is treating patients in her spinal therapy clinic or consuming unhealthy amounts of cake and wine. View more >>T. A. Willberg Book Series